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Blu-ray Release: Annie

March 17, 2015

By John Corrado

Annie Blu-rayToday, Sony Pictures is releasing last year’s Annie remake on Blu-ray.  Annie (Quvenzhané Wallis) is a New York foster kid, living with the nasty Miss Hannigan (Cameron Diaz).  But when business tycoon and mayoral candidate Will Stacks (Jamie Foxx) takes her into his home as a campaign move, the little orphan’s life suddenly changes.

Not every sequence works equally well, and the film relies a little too heavily on autotuning and generic beats, both musically and story wise.  But this is still a perfectly fine musical for kids, that does have some likeable and even sweet moments.  Quvenzhané Wallis is quite charming, making Annie a pleasant and harmless diversion, that provides adequate entertainment for those of any age.

The Blu-ray includes commentary with director Will Gluck and multiple featurettes, as well as a couple of music videos and several sing along tracks.  There’s also a “behind the scenes” look at the amusing fake movie Moonquake Lake, which is essentially an inadvertent parody of the equally laughable Jupiter Ascending.

Annie is 118 minutes and rated G.

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